Library: Initiatives

Regenerating industrial ground to produce fertile ground


Regenerating industrial ground to produce fertile ground


Lyon Métropole, which includes 59 municipalities and 1.3 million inhabitants, wants to build a sustainable future for its citizens. The Métropole relies on green investments to face environmental challenges. Lyon is also committed to building circular solutions for the region and has been recognised as a ‘zero waste territory’ (territoire zéro déchet, zéro gaspillage) since 2015. In April 2017, Lyon Métropole voted on strategic actions in favour of the circular economy.One example of Lyon Métropole’s work on the circular economy is the innovative solutions the city has implemented to sustainably develop its ‘Chemistry Valley’


FRK2 - Rhône-Alpes




Planet , Prosperity


By gathering public and private actors and by considering the Chemistry Valley as an evolving resource with a flexible production process, Lyon Métropole turned the challenges of unused and polluted land, scarcity of fertile soil and construction waste into a new opportunity. The productive landscape gives Chemistry Valley its status as a test site and makes it a showcase for change in the territory.